Friday, July 15, 2011

Nancy`s Perogies

Nancy`s Perogies…uuummm

My Nancy put this quick, easy, but very delicious dish together the other morning for diner that evening.

·       In one pot she brought to boil salted water, then dropped in a bag of Cheese & Potato Perogies

·       Once they start floating to the top, they`re done, so she drained them off, then put them back in the pot with a little olive oil & margarine

·       She diced up a Spanish Onion, Spinach, & Pre- cooked Bacon

·       In a large pan she put in a bit of Olive Oil, & brought it to medium heat

·       Threw in the Onions, Spinach, Bacon & sautéed for a few minutes, then added some Garlic to taste

·       She then added the Perogies, then salt & pepper to taste

Voila…it`s ready to eat  ;o))

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