Tuesday, November 8, 2011


ü 5 – Good Sized Beef Shanks
ü 1 – Cup All Purpose Flour
ü 1 – Celery Stalk Diced
ü 1 – Stalk of Carrots Diced
ü 2 – Spanish Onions Diced, ( keep separated )
ü 1 – Head of Garlic Minced
ü ½ Lb – Mushrooms Diced
ü 2 – Cups of Fresh Sweet Basil Chopped
ü 4 – Bay Leaves
ü My Spice Rub
ü 2 – Bottles of Beer
ü 2 – Cans of Diced Tomatoes
ü 1 – Can of Crushed Tomato
ü Olive Oil & Butter
ü Pre Heat Oven to 375 Convection Bake
ü 2 – Bags of Fusilli Pasta
ü Parmesan Cheese

You`ll also need a fare sized Roasting Pan, & a LARGE Skillet

On both sides of the Beef Shanks apply & rub in My Dry Rub Spice, then dredge them all in the Flour
Bring your pan to a Med/High heat, & put in some Olive Oil & Butter
Sear both sides of the Shanks in the pan, ( about 45 seconds each side ), then put them aside
De glaze the Pan with the 2 bottles of beer, then toss in 1 Diced onion, the Celery, Carrots & Garlic
Once the Veggies look “Sweaty”, take off the burner, & place it all in the bottom of the Roasting Pan, making sure the whole bottom is covered
Take 1 can of Diced Tomatoes & spread evenly on the bottom
Through in your Bay Leaves, then place the Shanks on the bottom
Then ladle over the top of each Shank the Crushed Tomato
In a clean pan fry up the 2nd Onion with the Mushrooms
Then portion it all over the top of each Shank
Take your 2 Can of Diced Tomatoes & fill in the gaps, then take your 2 cups of Sweet Basil & spread evenly over the entire top
Cover & place in the oven for 90 minutes, then 30 minutes un covered
( during this time check your seasoning, it may need a little of this or a little of that according to your taste buds )
When there`s about 5 minutes of cooking time left I’ll start up the Pasta
The Pasta part is pretty straight forward, I’ll boil it until it`s en dente, strain it
In the pot from where the Pasta came, I`ll put a glob of butter, with some olive oil, then put the Pasta back in
Stir it up, and then add some Parmesan Cheese...
I always allow at least 5-10 minutes of resting time when cooking with any meat, or poultry
For Plating, cover the bottom of the plate with Pasta
Then take some of the mix / sauce & ladle it over the Pasta
Then place a Shank on top with a little more mix / sauce

Ready to Mange!!

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