Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Frank`s Frittata

After grocery shopping, I usually throw some things together that`ll carry through the week. As an example I’ll pull some basil from my garden & mince it up, then dice up some of my tomatoes, and onions. I`ll mix them all together then add a bit of oregano, then store it in the fridge. And generally speaking, when time allows I’ll pre – smoke / bbq either Flank steak, and or Chicken Breasts. Then thinly slice them both to be used for “whatever”!

This dish I do take about 5 minutes to cook up. I use an 8” no stick skillet. Putting the burner at a med/high heat, I’ll add a bit of olive oil & a bit of butter. Then in goes some Flank steak, (or Chicken), a palm full of my “Mix”, & a little chopped Mushroom. While that is cooking I’ll beat 2 eggs, and then pour those into the skillet. After the eggs start to set, I’ll add some of my hot sauce, & cheese.

Then I’ll slide it onto a plate, with some toast on the side, & it`s ready to eat

(For a bit more fibre sprinkle a teaspoon of Phylum fibre over the eggs while they`re setting)....


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