Monday, November 28, 2011


So, as I get older, I’ve found that my memory is not as it once was. It was suggested that I should look into Gingko...

What is Gingko Biloba?

Alternate names: Maidenhair tree, Kew tree, Japanese silver apricot

Ginkgo is one of the oldest living tree species. The extract of ginkgo leaves is used medicinally in North America, where it's one of the most popular medicinal herbs, and many other countries around the world. In traditional Chinese medicine, the seeds of the ginkgo tree are used.

Why Do People Use Ginkgo?

· To improve mental function

· Alzheimer's disease

· Age-related memory loss

· Macular degeneration

· Sexual dysfunction

· To enhance blood circulation

Ginkgo leaves are believed to contain compounds that thin blood and help to improve muscle tone in the walls of blood vessels. This may enhance blood flow.

What are the Safety Concerns?

Constituents in ginkgo leaves may affect blood clotting, so ginkgo leaf extracts shouldn't be used by people with bleeding disorders. People with epilepsy (or anyone with a history of seizures) should avoid ginkgo, because it may increase the frequency of seizures.

Ginkgo leaf products may affect blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes should only be used under the supervision of a health care provider.

The Bear`s Cabbage Rolls

The Bear`s Cabbage Rolls


  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 1 1/2 cups uncooked white rice
  • 1 lb ground pork
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 8 cloves of Garlic pressed
  • 1 onion, diced
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • 1 (46 fluid ounce) can tomato juice


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease a 2 quart casserole dish.
2. Steam the whole head of cabbage until it is al dente. Meanwhile, in a saucepan bring 3 cups of water to a boil. Add rice and stir. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
3. Brown both Pork & Beef together then set aside
4. Melt butter in a small skillet over medium heat. Sauté onions until translucent then add the garlic. Then in a large mixing bowl toss all the rice, beef, pork, onions & garlic & “smoosh” it all up. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
5. Cut the leaves off of the cabbage and cut the larger leaves in half. Spoon 1 tablespoon of mixture into a leaf and roll tightly. Place rolls in prepared casserole dish, stacking in layers. Pour tomato juice, & diced tomatoes over the rolls, using enough just to cover.
6. Cover and bake in preheated oven for 2 hours.

It`s Dinner Time ;o))

Monday, November 21, 2011


The Bear`s Corn Bread Recipe

8" pan Total Portion Yield: 8

Oven 375 F (convection) 35 min...grease pan with PAM

Brown Butter 1/2 cup

Eggs ( whole ) 2

Buttermilk 1 cup

Vanilla 1 tsp

White Sugar 2/3 cup

Baking Soda 1/2 tsp

Flour 1 cup

Corn Meal 1 cup

Kosher Salt 1/2 tsp

Phsylum Fibre 1/4 cup

I`ve been known to toss in some Cranberries, & or Raisins as well...uuuummmm

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Canada`s Rememberance Day Nov.11th

In Flanders Fields

“This poem was literally born of fire and blood during the hottest phase of the second battle of Ypres…Just as (McCrae) describes, we often heard in the mornings the larks singing high in the air, between the crash of the shell and the reports of the guns in the battery just beside us.”

As stated by John McCrae’s close friend and former Ottawa newspaper editor, Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Edward Morrison.

Borrowing its structure from the sonnet tradition, the In Flanders Fields poem is a complex poem.
John McCrae gives us three distinct verses full of contrast and imagery offering the reader a poignant insight into McCrae’s thought processes as he conveys his message in verse. John McCrae’s use of imagery such as “poppies blow between the crosses row on row” and “the torch be yours to hold it high” has since become a part of our collective memory of war

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Frank`s Frittata

After grocery shopping, I usually throw some things together that`ll carry through the week. As an example I’ll pull some basil from my garden & mince it up, then dice up some of my tomatoes, and onions. I`ll mix them all together then add a bit of oregano, then store it in the fridge. And generally speaking, when time allows I’ll pre – smoke / bbq either Flank steak, and or Chicken Breasts. Then thinly slice them both to be used for “whatever”!

This dish I do take about 5 minutes to cook up. I use an 8” no stick skillet. Putting the burner at a med/high heat, I’ll add a bit of olive oil & a bit of butter. Then in goes some Flank steak, (or Chicken), a palm full of my “Mix”, & a little chopped Mushroom. While that is cooking I’ll beat 2 eggs, and then pour those into the skillet. After the eggs start to set, I’ll add some of my hot sauce, & cheese.

Then I’ll slide it onto a plate, with some toast on the side, & it`s ready to eat

(For a bit more fibre sprinkle a teaspoon of Phylum fibre over the eggs while they`re setting)....


Tuesday, November 8, 2011


ü 5 – Good Sized Beef Shanks
ü 1 – Cup All Purpose Flour
ü 1 – Celery Stalk Diced
ü 1 – Stalk of Carrots Diced
ü 2 – Spanish Onions Diced, ( keep separated )
ü 1 – Head of Garlic Minced
ü ½ Lb – Mushrooms Diced
ü 2 – Cups of Fresh Sweet Basil Chopped
ü 4 – Bay Leaves
ü My Spice Rub
ü 2 – Bottles of Beer
ü 2 – Cans of Diced Tomatoes
ü 1 – Can of Crushed Tomato
ü Olive Oil & Butter
ü Pre Heat Oven to 375 Convection Bake
ü 2 – Bags of Fusilli Pasta
ü Parmesan Cheese

You`ll also need a fare sized Roasting Pan, & a LARGE Skillet

On both sides of the Beef Shanks apply & rub in My Dry Rub Spice, then dredge them all in the Flour
Bring your pan to a Med/High heat, & put in some Olive Oil & Butter
Sear both sides of the Shanks in the pan, ( about 45 seconds each side ), then put them aside
De glaze the Pan with the 2 bottles of beer, then toss in 1 Diced onion, the Celery, Carrots & Garlic
Once the Veggies look “Sweaty”, take off the burner, & place it all in the bottom of the Roasting Pan, making sure the whole bottom is covered
Take 1 can of Diced Tomatoes & spread evenly on the bottom
Through in your Bay Leaves, then place the Shanks on the bottom
Then ladle over the top of each Shank the Crushed Tomato
In a clean pan fry up the 2nd Onion with the Mushrooms
Then portion it all over the top of each Shank
Take your 2 Can of Diced Tomatoes & fill in the gaps, then take your 2 cups of Sweet Basil & spread evenly over the entire top
Cover & place in the oven for 90 minutes, then 30 minutes un covered
( during this time check your seasoning, it may need a little of this or a little of that according to your taste buds )
When there`s about 5 minutes of cooking time left I’ll start up the Pasta
The Pasta part is pretty straight forward, I’ll boil it until it`s en dente, strain it
In the pot from where the Pasta came, I`ll put a glob of butter, with some olive oil, then put the Pasta back in
Stir it up, and then add some Parmesan Cheese...
I always allow at least 5-10 minutes of resting time when cooking with any meat, or poultry
For Plating, cover the bottom of the plate with Pasta
Then take some of the mix / sauce & ladle it over the Pasta
Then place a Shank on top with a little more mix / sauce

Ready to Mange!!