Wednesday, June 22, 2011



The starting point of ALL achievement is DESIRE !!!!

As you`ve read thus far, I`ve been asking for assistance in helping me loose the pounds I put on since I quit smoking. I rec`vd one suggestion, which was ".. Cut down on the carbs...” Amazing advice, sorry for the sarcasm; o).

I`ve been “yakking” away at this to Nancy for some time now, but it`s been all talk & no action. Well maybe a little action, I`ve started painting the room that is going to be our Work Out area. But the main motivation came from 2 things. First, Nancy`s Dad`s Day gift of a pair of shorts that I could not fit into!! Second, the pics taken with Toby & myself. MAN after looking at those, I called myself a “PORKO MIO”!!!

So, I resolved that I was going to get this FAT off of me. BUT, I was going to do it without altering our Food budget I have in place for the family.

Any way yesterday morning I weighed in at 220.2 lbs., my goal is 180 lbs.!! My occupation is a mix of cerebral & physical, Plus I`m quite active as it is. My metabolism however has slowed to a crawl. I take Medication for my Blood Pressure, 3 Anxiety Disorders, Chronic Depression, & for my 2 deteriorating lower back discs.

When I`m busy, I normally only eat twice a day, (no doubt everyone is saying this is stupid, however, if I’m not hungry why force it, the energy is there to complete all my tasks at hand). When it comes to alcohol, I`ll have Dry White wine, (sugar level 0) that I`ll water down 1/3rd wine - 1/3rd ice - 1/3rd water. At times I`d have 50% wine with 25% ice & 25% water.

My work is in Retail so the work week days are erratic, however , the work days run to 9 pm, so I get home by about 9:30 pm, At that time I`m hungry.

Of special note, during work I`ll consume a couple litres of lemon water, & sugarless butterscotch candies, (the candies are helping me with the smokes). I had smoked for about 41 years.

Now I like certain Carb foods, I guess my Achilles heel is bread. Lately, Whole Wheat Naan has been a favourite.

To shorten this story I`m going "POST" my Weight Loss Progress. What I`m doing, what I`m doing correctly, & or incorrectly. & we`ll see what happens. Again, any constructive input, that does not involve "Buying into a Program", you know what I mean.


Morning I weighed in at 220.2 lbs!!!

Breakfast: Naan, with a bed of Greens, Sliced Chicken Breast, (I BBQ`d on Father`s Day), and some Marble Cheese chunks. I nuked it for 80 seconds, & it was done.

Dinner: took a bowl & put a hand full of Greens, sliced up a Tomato, used some more Chicken Breasts, & threw a hand full of mixed nuts.

This morning I weighed in at 218.2 lbs.
( 2 DOWN 38 TO GO !! )

Breakfast: was the same as yesterday

I`m off today, so I have a number of chores to do. So I’ve already have dinner going. Since it`s a bleak rainy day, I created a Soup.

·        Shredded Broccoli, Cabbage, & Carrot
·        Diced Spinach
·        Sliced Mushrooms & Onions
·        Diced Zucchini
·        Diced Chicken
·        Diced Shrimp
·        Chicken Broth
·        My seasonings

I`m also later today going to prepare some Tea concoctions for my work beverage....

I`ll let you know how it goes. But as you can see by now, this is my Quest, & this vehicle will be my diary to track my success`s and potential pit falls, (although I can only hope & pray they will be few & far between).


  1. looking forward to your progress..Good Luck !!

  2. Can hardly wait for the next installment

  3. Good Luck Frank !!!!
