Monday, June 27, 2011

4 lbs Gone...36 TO GO!!

4 lbs Gone...36 TO GO!!
Just a special note, I’ve “re-jigged” my beverage. After a couple of trials I felt that if I took the 2 cup into 1.5 litre mix, & poured a cup of this into a 1.5 litre jug of water. This was way more pleasant & refreshing!!
The last time I Blogged was on Friday, stating I was down to 217.9 lbs...This morning I’m at 216.2 lbs down exactly 4 lbs from when I first started June 22nd. So thus far my average weight loss p/day is .66 lbs.
Every morning thus far I’ve had an open faced “Naanwich” consisting of lettuce, diced cheese and some sort of protein, with a sprinkling of hot sauce. Micro waved for 75 seconds on high. I`ll have 2 – 3 mugs of black coffee in the morning, them that`s it. From there I’ll go with my beverage. During the day since I still crave smokes, I`ll have sugarless, (Splenda), butterscotch candies. I have to be vigilante with these, because they can induce a lot of gas, and could act as a! At night I’ll have 1 or 2 mugs of my white wine blend, & a salad.
On, Saturday, I had pasta, but I think it was a little too late into the evening for me to have. I found the sugars/ carbs left a little agitated, & I had a tough time sleeping. So I think going forward if I have pasta, I’ll have to have earlier in the day. Sunday I had a BBQ`d Strip loin steak, (just used salt & pepper. & I BBQ’d them indirectly with charcoal on my Propane BBQ), & Backed potato with salt, pepper, and some Becel olive oil margarine.
Today I’m Slo smoking a HUGE Pork Loin. I used my special rub to season it. This will Slo cook for about 8 hours. The balance of my day will be consumed with...
·        My Laundry
·        Gardening
·        Cutting & Trimming my Lawn
·        Doing the Family Budget
·        & if I can, squeeze in some Drum practice...
Later today, I may do a re-Blog from my previous sight with regards to Vitamins & Minerals...Stay Tuned ;o)))
& Thanks for taking the time to follow Me, it`s no doubt greatly appreciated; o))

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