Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I learned how to Hit playing a little Game called “Strike Out”. That`s when you only had 4 Guys to play Ball with, or sometimes it was just yourself & another. We`d etch out on a wall a Strike zone, and then played. The Pitcher would be a best of times 60’ feet away, & wheel a Tennis Ball @ the Zone in an attempt to Strike you out. There were other “rules” we`d have, but the main point is this is where I developed my bat speed & eye for the ball.

I had always played in Leagues above my age group. I had an awesome Glove hand, (all that Road Hockey Goal tending with my Trapper), but I could hit the crap out of the ball. Probably why the Phillies were after me.

Playing with older guys caused me to make a number of adjustments to my Batting.

Problem: I`d get pounded inside on the hands, or a Curve Ball on the outside edge from a Lefty

Solution: I went for the Foot in The Bucket Stance, & to be honest because I was using lower body torque I was hitting the ball harder

Problem: I had this terrible drop down “Hitch” that would cause an upper cut swing...lots of Pop Ups & Strike Outs
Solution: I copied a “Hitch”, from Richie Allen, that I called a “Trigger Hitch”. This is when instead of dropping your Hands & Bat down, you moved your Wrists forward so the Bat barrel dropped forward instead of down...

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